We have gotten a lot of requests for just the 16000mah and 18000mah battery's so we have added those as rewards
14.8V 4S 18000mAh 20C, size is 275mm* 45mm 74mm (estimated 2193g) should have hard weight # in next few days $255
14.8V 4S 16000mAh 20C, size is 173 x 74 x 45mm 1380g $165
Have you seen what HobbyKing sells them for...
The Hobby king batteries are only 10c I have 5 of the Multistar 4s 10000 mah batteries. Low cycles on all of them so time will tell. They weigh 815 grams with an ec5 connector.
Hobbyking has some 1600mah and 10000mah 4s batteries
we don't have the hard #s on the 18000mah yet those are just estimated the pack will probably be shorter and weigh less we estimated way on the high side so people will not be disappointed they are supose to give me hard #'s tonight but its china so some times it takes a few days
I am curious. why +55% in $ and +59% in weight and +58% in volume for +12% in energy?