Hi guys,
I uploaded the current version of my QT-based GCS to google code. The sources are available via the SVN repository at https://code.google.com/p/yagcs/ .
Current features:
- Real-time map display (native interface, does not rely on google earth plugin, allows offline access)
- Real-time data plot for distance, altitude, etc.
- Simple presentation of roll and pitch via opengl
- Easily extendible (at least that was the goal) via QT ports/slots
- Should be relatively platform independent due to QT
Also, it now functions as a generator of mission header files which can be loaded via the APM waypoint writer. The GUI, however, is still a bit rough on the edges, meaning it's still lacking quite a few features.
The code only relies one two libraries in addition to QT (one for the data plotting, one for the serial port access), which are itself based on QT. That means you do not need google earth plugins, labview, etc., and all is based on open source. For installation instructions see INSTALL.txt and for more information README.txt.
Would be great to get feedback of course. Also, if somebody from the windows users would try to compile it and tell me if this works, that would be very interesting. Also thanks to the person who pointed me to qextserialport, don't quite remember who initially suggested that.
Do you knopw any good starting tutorial for QT ?
Tom: I think I just checked out the latest QT4-compatible version from the qextserialport repository (http://qextserialport.sourceforge.net/); then when I started writing the doc I noticed the project has moved.. hmm.. ok, should have confirmed that the code moved there, too. Thanks, Stephane for pointing that out
Stephane: You might want to uncomment the following lines in SerialPortWrapper.h:
#ifndef Q_WS_WIN
#define _TTY_POSIX_
That makes it use the posix port if it is running not on Windows (maybe the Q_WS_WIN doesn't work as expected here).
Loti: I'm not using any IDE.. can you recommend the QT creator?
are you using any IDE for the development ? Qt Creator Cross-Platform IDE maybe ?
posix_qextserialport.h(6): fatal error C1083: Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier include : 'termios.h' : No such file or directory
termios.h : I believe there is no equivalent in the windows environment... Does anybody know how to skip this without Cygwin ?
I believe you should try from :
And not :
Fighting with qwt at the moment...
This looks pretty neat; hopefully I can find some cycles to spin it up on the Mac.