Flying wing on the cheap

3689392051?profile=original For those of you looking for an inexpensive way to implement your favorite uav platform, I found this plane called the Mugi evo (shown above). The plane is built from twin wall polypropylene sheeting and is very cheap to build. After seeing the plans, I seriously think you could build this thing for under 20 dollars. As far as cheap planes go, its looks like it could take a beating. The plans are free to anyone who wants them, and can be found here.


I posted a video below for anyone interested in how it handles.


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  • These little planes are awesome! true, they're probably not for beginners, but there's always some kind of learning curve with every new plane. if you go to the website there's a bunch more videos, namely one where a guy launches from his hand over and over again. pretty impressive actually how effortlessly he does it.

  • Moderator
    Its a fantastic airframe that I have long advocated. If you can't fly it you should'nt be flying UAS ;-)
  • It looks similar to the skyfun, but how does it handle weight? I can't seem to launch the skyfun when I have the APM + batteries (2200 + 600) + FPV Cam and transmitter.
  • Mugi was opensource project on 2001 and i was made 10+ Mugi for slope soaring.

    It is fast, cheap and unbreakable plane concept but very aggressive and not for newbies 


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