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  • No, it is a quadcopter with attached wings.
    Good idea, but of course limits you to the flying direction, if you want to keep the benefits...

  • Can you post a picture? Can't look at videos at work...

    Is this a biplane with a quad or octo copter arangement?
  • Moderator
    So we're doing some test in the first test we check the bi plane configuration with quad now we check the hybrid with sailplane tail we're searching the better configuration for an hybrid quad .... put inside the quad telemetry and check the power consumption in hovering and during a fly.
  • I was think about this the other day, has anyone tried putting a quad or tri on a delta wing? Does it help give lift letting the motors take a rest?
  • Moderator
    I'm not sure if that's brilliant or crazy. Looks like it flies ok, but is there any advantage?
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