picked up one of these frames as well as an aquacopter. http://liftoffuav.com/ While its a nice design, they use velcro to hold the top on. I plan to copy your tupperware idea to seal this frame which has WAY more room than the aquacopter.
The kits are over priced but the frames are a good price. I built mine for much less. This picture looks like one that was posted on a Craigslist add in Seattle for $1300 recently. They are fun little birds. A bit heavy, I call mine the Aqua Porcum (Water Pig), but that is the price for water resistance. Yes, not water proof. I do like the inverted Tupperware idea.
I posted mine on e bay and guess it will go for $1200-$1400, going to get on another project shortly... maybe a frame of my own design. Aqua-copter frames are Awesome because of the strength ... I am not aware of any stronger at this time but, I am looking into PLA and TGRASS.....
picked up one of these frames as well as an aquacopter. http://liftoffuav.com/ While its a nice design, they use velcro to hold the top on. I plan to copy your tupperware idea to seal this frame which has WAY more room than the aquacopter.
I put together one from scratch last year, build photos at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200771388315124&l=33c...
I ordered my Sistema container and am going for your idea; Tupperware penthouse.
Sweet! Dual batteries in the Tupperware Penthouse. Very cool idea. That solves the "I have to cram the batteries into the hull" problem.
Oh, I see you are the Seattle Craigslist guy. It was on eBay for about 10 minutes too, yes?
The kits are over priced but the frames are a good price. I built mine for much less. This picture looks like one that was posted on a Craigslist add in Seattle for $1300 recently. They are fun little birds. A bit heavy, I call mine the Aqua Porcum (Water Pig), but that is the price for water resistance. Yes, not water proof. I do like the inverted Tupperware idea.
$860? More like $119 for the frame.