Groundstation shield

shield130405.pngProgress has been slow on my UxV Control Station project recently due to other obligations. However, I have decided to create an Arduino shield for that project to make it easier for interested people to recreate the UxV-CS. I'm not very experienced in hardware design, so things are going slow but steady.

I will not be selling any hardware but I will publish the design files under a CC license when ready.

Why a shield instead of a full custom PCB? That's pretty easy to answer - it's more flexible. The user can use a MEGA1280 or MEGA2560 or any pin-compatible clone. It's also more future-safe. My current design is just planned for 5V but with very little changes it could be made compatible e.g. with an Arduino DUE which has considerably more processing power.

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  • Thx for the advice! I use Fritzing on Linux and it does pretty much everything automatically. I don't really know how to change those configurations. All I do is draw straight lines between the holes and Fritzing does all the routing :).

    But... I'm not ready yet, so thing should improve :).

  • Some PCB layout tracing tips:

    -Avoid 90º angles, configure your PCB design software to make 45º corners.

    -Check the pad to track. Connect always the same way. Don´t do strange angle connects.

    -Put some order in your drawing, keep some clearance between tracks and pads if possible.

    -Consider the use of ground planes (no track without a matching ground plane!!!).

    If you need some layout design advice write me private.


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