Hey, DIYDrones community,
We've had the request to implement a feature that allows moving the entire UgCS route.
This feature is coming, however, in the meanwhile, we have developed a script that allows you to move the entire route with ease.
The script is available on GitHub here: https://github.com/ugcs/converters/tree/master/moveRoute
To use it, you need to supply the following arguments to it:
- UgCS route or mission full name
- New latitude for the first route or mission waypoint
- New longitude for the first route or mission waypoint
The coordinates should be in decimal format.
Then run one of the following commands:
!moveRoute.cmd c:\test\myroute.xml 22.42929880348565 114.1145629706805
cscript c:\test\moveRoute.js c:\test\myroute.xml 22.42929880348565 114.1145629706805
This script works on Windows.
Get the newest version of UgCS here: www.ugcs.com
Safe flights,
UgCS Team
Hi, Keeyen! After the mission the drone stays at the last waypoint because in some cases there are obstacles in the way if it attempted to fly straight to the home location. This is why we enable the user to choose when the drones goes home by the "Return Home" button. Not all autopilots support auto takeoff and landing, please refer to the manual for more in-depth information.