Huddle Issues Anyone?

I have been trying for a while now to get into / see the Turn Rate Limiter Workspace in the Workspaces section...but it doesn't come up...I am on two teams, and can only see the Workspace for the New Ground Station Design team. Anyone else having similar issues - or did I get kicked off the ;)I have the uBlox GPS Module library part I need to upload.
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  • Confirmed, firefox defiantly fixed my problem as well. Back to reading and learning for me...
  • Well I was able to make it onto the discussion for about 10min and read one thread then it locked up again on me. I'll switch over to firefox and try again. I cant believe the progress you guys make!
  • Developer
    Thanks Chris, Huddle works with Firefox on my Mac! I can download the files now...
  • 3D Robotics
    I find that it's only stable on Firefox. The Huddle folks definitely have some work to do on bug fixes....they are listening, however, so this should soon get better.
  • Developer
    I run Mac OS too and can only read activity, can,t upload or down load... I was able to get two work spaces but, They wanted me to subscribe to a plan.... I gave up...
  • You are indeed off the team! :D

    I just re-invited you and you were added again.. but your 'old' icon still shows up. Strange indeed. I can't seem to re-invite Curt, though.
  • Yes, Scott I found some problems too - especially when I try some file actions under Google Chrome. Using old Explorer helps sometimes for me...
  • I dunno...maybe we were both cast out as I also cannot get in. I am on safari (OSX) and it lets me in for about 10secs then locks up and quits on me...
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