
During the alpha testing phase with the "APM Copter V3" code
i immediately reported to the Dev Team that the Loiter mode was very accurate but is not allowed to fly normally, like with other system as DJI and Mikrokopter, Zero-UAV, etc.
We preferred to make the Loiter mode that would serve to accurately reposition the multirotor, and to help beginners to fly slowly and safely.
An italian friend and developer, Sandro Tognana, collected my challenge and started to develop a flight mode as I wanted, in line with the other famous flight control board.
Another awesome programmer, Julien Dubois, has joined our team and has worked actively to implement the complicated wind compensation.
After several months of development and testing are pleased to present the "Hybrid flight mode", in two words a "flyable Loiter" with wind compensation, the code virtually switches from "Loiter" to "Alt-Hold" and viceversa when you exit and enter a sticks deadband (configurable), considering of course the compensation of the wind, therefore complies with the tuning of your multirotor.
You can configure some parameters but already with the default works perfectly, my video speaks for itself.

This new mode is currently being debugged (in alpha phase), it is therefore not available to the public, of course, will have to go into the hands of APM Copter Dev Team who will decide whether to adopt it in an upcoming release.
The results in my video are great, sorry but the audio is bad because it was very windy today, however, is clearly seen as a "Hybrid" works, is almost perfect.
In the second video by Julien you can see the Hybrid in action vs a "DJI Phantom 2" quad with "Naza 2" inside, imho Hybrid work better than the "GPS Position Hold" of DJI, especially on braking.
The tests were carried out on APM and VR Brain, but of course will work on any board that installs "APM Copter" as PX4 and Pixhawk.
I will keep you updated on the "Hybrid" developments, i'll open a discussion about this with other APM Copter developers to assess any changes in the code.

I want to say thanks to Sandro and Julien for their great work!

Bests, Marco

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  • @Artem & Dimitri: yeah, we are working on it  ;-)

  • @Julien, Marco, Randy and all Developers, I second the opinion that current alt hold throttle response is sluggish. Is it possible to create a flight mode where exactly 50% throttle stick means alt hold (not 50% throttle) any +/- will correspond to the rate of acceleration in the vertical plane.  

    similarly centered pitch/roll sticks  will mean position hold and any change in the sticks would correspond to the rate of acceleration in the horizontal movement. 

    in this mode throttle control will be done by FC itself based on the input from all 4 control channels. 

  • You need to compile and upload the code yourself as it's not implemented in any beta firmware (yet).

    @Julien, Marco, Would it be possible to add more responsive throttle?? Although it works, I never liked the alt hold delayed throttle feeling..

  • @Jay Galleno, how did you do it? Via MP or you upladed the sketch? 

  • I would like to test it chief how can I implemented that

  • Here's the video:

  • Confirm it works! I'll attached my video soon.

  • Marco, does this mean we can just go to MP and get it today?  Or do we need to wait till the next release?

  • Hi all any good news? Any update regarding the Hybrid mode? :-)  

  • done uploading... soon will be flying this new hybrid mode. :)
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