If you have a UAV DevBoard, but you are waiting to purchase an ICD2 PIC programmer from SparkFun in order to program it, please be aware that they are now back in stock.Best regards,Bill Premerlani
Hi, the PICkit2 USB programmer from Microchip works perfectly. It even fits the header that is on the board (snip off the white locking plastic with a tweezer and you can insert it directly down on the board). I use the PICkit2. Stable, no problems.
Holy crap that's a huge programmer. People programmed PICs with their parallel ports back when computers had parallel ports. But then we didn't have Sparkfun bling.
thank you for the answer!
UFO-MAN has experience with Pickit2 on UAV DevBoard, that is what he uses. I suggest that you contact him.
Sparkfun Is lacking of everything. =)