Thank you so much for your quick answer.
I have some gps removed from old broken gps unit, but for my project is too heavy 30 grams. The old unit has some glitches (for time to time send by serial TTL port some strange characters for example instead $GPRMC I received $G&RMC) , and is slow.
So I thinking buy new one faster and lighter, but I'm not decided which one.
Please give me advice.
Also note that you'll have to set your module to 38k baud, or tweak the code in the GPS_NMEA tab in the ArduPilot code. We only natively support the EM406 and uBlox 5. NMEA support for other modules is there for brave people who have requested it (for compatibility with OSDs, for example) but they'll probably have to do some fiddling to make it work. We recommend that you use the uBlox 5 if at all possible.
I have some gps removed from old broken gps unit, but for my project is too heavy 30 grams. The old unit has some glitches (for time to time send by serial TTL port some strange characters for example instead $GPRMC I received $G&RMC) , and is slow.
So I thinking buy new one faster and lighter, but I'm not decided which one.
Please give me advice.
#define GPS_PROTOCOL 0 //0 = NMEA, 1=SIRF, 2=uBlox, Choose protocol, uBlox only for pros please.