3D Robotics

Just got my AttoPilot 2.0

AttoPilot International has a sweet deal for current AttoPilot 1.8 owners: just $300 to upgrade to 2.0. Why do it? Well, just look at this picture. That's some pretty amazing miniaturization! Smaller even than ArduPilot without its shield. Plus the AttoPilot folks upgraded my 1.8 unit to 2.0 software (actually, they did even better--they replaced it with new hardware because it was broken), so now I essentially have two 2.0 units. Best customer service ever!

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  • Another very happy V2.0 customer here. Well done Attopilot.
  • Want and will are two different things! We will on most circumstances work with you. If there is clear neglect then the obvious will be a NO for an answer. I have a feeling I know who CD is so the short answer for you is yes you have one on the way.

    The reason for the change is rather obvious. Size and learning’s from V1.8 to improve the system. The reason for the upgrade is to get everyone on the same playing field to relieve us of as much CS as possible. We spend a large amount of time nurturing customers due to complexity.

    Thanks for the nice write up Chris!
  • 3D Robotics
    CheBuzz--that's just a protective coating over the chips. There's the same on the bottom. Because the board does not come in an enclosure (unlike 1.8), most of the chips and traces are covered with plastic to avoid shorts from loose wires in the plane.
  • What is the black shiny object in the middle of the board?
  • Moderator
    The V2.0 will not disappoint. Its full of learned goodness.
  • That is awesome! My 1.8 has been great, $300 is very very very tempting. :)
  • That is great to hear. I have an older version that is broken, I hope they want to exchange mine too.
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