
LOHAN and Vulture 2 will be using APM2.6


The Registers Special Projects Bureau are going to be using an APM2.6 for Vulture 2 on their Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator The project outline is summarized below. (more details here


From the Reg's SPB:

As you can imagine, it's all go here at the Special Projects Bureau

Blokes in white vans have been bowling up to the door for the past month, their couriers' chariots disgorging boxes packed with kit, as we prepare for the landing of our Vulture 2 spaceplane.'s mountaintop headquarters ahead of the imminent arrival of the Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) team.

Among the geekgasmic gadgets to emerge from the bubble wrap is our spaceplane's autopilot – the Ardupilot Mega 2.6 – known to its mates as the APM 2.6, and described as "a complete open-source autopilot system and the bestselling technology that won the prestigious 2012 Outback Challenge UAV competition".

And here it is, complete with the external 3DR GPS uBlox LEA-6 and compass unit, and power module. Sexy stuff:

The Ardupilot Mega 2.6, with GPS unit and power supply



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