Maiden Ardu-Flight for me

It was my first flight with an Ardu-anything today. Working towards getting an ArduIMU/ArduPilot working.

So far it was just a data logging flight. I had a GPS and ArduIMU installed in my Stevens Aero Edge 540 along with an OpenLog from Sparkfun.

After downloading the data into MATLAB, and some manipulation, I outputted a Google Earth KMZ file of the flight:

You can view an animation of the flight in Google Earth here:

Google Earth KMZ file

The plan is to eventually tune ArduPilot/IMU into this aircraft (using the great start that has been going on with 2.5.1 code here).


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  • Tom,
    cool, good approach to have fun & successful AP integration. keep us all informed of your progress. cheers
  • Developer
    Bravo! Another brave soul with a high performance airframe!
  • Hmmm... the link to the KMZ doesn't seem to work. Let's try again.


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