Major Robotics Move By Google - With Bozo In The Stew

3689561599?profile=originalHere we go again. BBC this morning reports a major further move into robotics by Google's acquisition of seven robotics companies. But the headline to the report references the Amazon drone publicity stunt, as though it is an established part of the landscape. I fully expect to hear the word "Amazon" the next time I fly my Hex in sight of John Q. Public.  I think I'd almost prefer the "whirling-blades-of-death" reaction... BBC story is at

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  • Jack, maybe they'll throw you (and a few others) a bone for pioneering what they're selling.

  • Chris must be getting lots of offers for 3D Robotics.  Now that the hobby is becoming mane stream, I wish I got an engineering degree instead of an unemployment degree.

  • Google live in real world compared to UPS and Amazon, who seems like only heard about drones and their posibilities.

  • Well at least Google and Robots is potentially a lot more genuinely useful than Amazon and Delivery Drones.

    Amazon has gotten an incredible amount of press out of it though.

    Now if we can only get those Lithium Sulfur batteries to work at 40 C and maybe quadruple the energy density again.

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