Following my previous unsuccessful attempts at building a quadcopter (I have serious issues with the balancing and stability) I've decided that it's likely all this is due to VIBRATIONS and it was time to get into the nitty-gritty of some measurements...
While they are obviously far from complete or scientific, they do show how complex the "vibrations problem" is...
You can find the graphs on my blog ( and do let me know if :
- you would like some more details / numbers
- you have any other suggestions about how to reduce them
I was impressed with the work and methodology you've put into this.
As was suggested in your second entry, isolation mounting for the APM will also help. Search for "CSM gyro tape", or the tape used to mount flybarless gyros on model helicopters - this is the same application and they get the units to work on helicopters with piston engines.
If the motors are not producing constant torque you may benefit from isolation around the axis of rotation. Something like a Hyde Mount may help.
You are right, I have not balanced them.
Everybody "out there" says it's an important part of the vibration reduction effort, but it seems to me that the vast majority of people manage to fly quads without bothering...
So while it can only help, I don't have the necessary stand (and patience :) ) so for now I'm sill struggling to understand what the problem is in my case...
I'll try to post today the measured vibrations with an updated frame...