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  • oh, and I agree with the name. Seems very German to me for some reason.
  • From what I see, the Mikroquad uses commercial ESCs. That's my plan anyway. I don't want to use that spctrosolutions board (same one as in the dragan fly) because I think he put too much on the PCB. When ESCs are so inexpensive, why not let someone else make them. It's not like in the large 1000mm configuration a few extra ounces is going to make any difference, the platform can carry up to 8 pounds.
  • It may be wishing for too much, but humans need to be more creative with the names. Mikroquad sounds just like but mikrokopter also has plans for home made ESC's, all using Atmel products. They probably made the ESC's to get higher update rates, but you can get 200Hz with Super Simple ESC's now.
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