Ran across this and just wanted to share. Great for getting all the different voltages of your components to operate off of
one source. One module per each different voltage requirement, small and light weight. Adjustable for input voltage and output voltage and only $3.80 US
You can also try this one that handles both step and and step down (useful if you want 12V from a 3S and can't manage the voltage drop as the battery goes down.) I use one for my video, after going through an LC filter, and it seems O.K. for noise.
prodctodc.com seems to have some good stuff. Too bad we cant get the things we need in the USA at a decent price.
I came across this site some time ago: prodctodc.com Interesting stuff, but lot of it can be found cheaper.
Your right. Grounding and shielding is SOP for components such as this. As for how clean the output is visit the site , conduct your own tests, and add capacitors as needed. At $3.80 US it is a very useful component. The site has other regulators as well, enjoy exploring.
The critical question is: how clean is the output?
It is my understanding that radio performance can take quite a hit as a result of a noisy regulator.