Posted by Wendi Smol on October 23, 2009 at 1:08pm
Here I have drawn some ideas of how to arrange wing and fuselage (shoulder wing or "middle" wing. There is also the possibility of adding a bottom pan to the underside of the fuselage to create a water plane for the water lovers. At least you have a chance to rescue your expensive equipment after a dunk. Undercarriage can be either left off or fixed depending on your take off ground; I will make a retractable UC as well (for the high speed runs :-)).
Long span wings are planned for more range or flying time. Up to the span shown no further changes are necessary, Spans in excess of 2m will require a fuselage extension as well. This may even be done as an afterthought.
Here I have tried to give you some ideas of how to mould the front fuselage. Anything you dont like on the original you can just cut off and graft a new front end of your own design and suitable for your requirements. The room available is about two cubic decimeter (the large plastic milk bottles in UK, don't know about the USA)
And if you partout dislike FANS you can fit a motor with PROP, I may do that myself probably just to find out.
This is the ultimate for the avangarde. If you like wings only or tailless flyers this is the thing. It may even have real advantages. But to find out I have to do some more arithmatic.
that's exactly what I will do in the next blog posts. In the end there should be enough information here (mainly in PDF) yo enable building of the plane in any version. For the time being I will concentrate on the first version with short span and EDF.
If you are still interested to make some 3D drawings, how shall we go about it? Do I find your e-mail address somewhere here?
Hi Wendi
I like all your drawings, but is i possible or are you willing to share more info on these lovely models.
Without details it's just a beautyfull drawing.
you will hopefully find some suitable info in my last blog post or rather in the forum message.
Hi Federico
I would like to send you those files if you tell us a bit about yourself? Apart from making 3D drawings what are your interests?
All the best
you can send the files to this address
that's exactly what I will do in the next blog posts. In the end there should be enough information here (mainly in PDF) yo enable building of the plane in any version. For the time being I will concentrate on the first version with short span and EDF.
If you are still interested to make some 3D drawings, how shall we go about it? Do I find your e-mail address somewhere here?
I like all your drawings, but is i possible or are you willing to share more info on these lovely models.
Without details it's just a beautyfull drawing.
That is cool , lot of options and possibilities , I liked the pylon power( 1420) in particular. Thats lot of work and drawing skills. :)