I know, I know... after months of being away, I'm finally getting an airplane back in the air with the APM. It flew great and the APM, as always, was awesome. I'll be using the Raptor for a while and will start doing longer range flights via telemetry. Its also allowing me to complete the Beginner to Expert videos I'm making for the APM.
I'm glad to be back!
And Can You share Your Pid Setting
Can i Use This Plane pid Parameter For Starting Setting My Hobbyking Phantom
@Drone Savant: Correct, I believe either the baro was too exposed and/or the rtl location was not correctly set. I'll be adding telem and covering the baro, this should help altitude accuracy and help me determine what the apm is doing during flight.
@R.D. Starwald: Sounds interesting! I want to learn more! Any links?
@Ruben: I've left them at their default, but can share what they are. Is there a quick way of doing that? Thanks...
Trent, could you post your settings?
Nice update Trent, thanks!
Raptor could use a chord-width motor support as part of the airframe but...that is a subject for another day.