Hello DIY Drones! I'm streaming this week's episode live on my Google+ and YouTube channel this Saturday at 3pm CST.

I'll be providing an update on the USA trip's status, what is next with the Raptor 140 and most importantly, answering any questions you might have. Feel free to post questions on the YouTube video page or this blog post and I'll answer them!

Also, feel free to join me on Google+ (http://plus.google.com/115257399043957059076). If you add me to one of your circles I can add you to the conversation and answer your question face to face.

See you then!


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  • Excellent! I'll definitely watch. You'll have to send me the link. I spent some time trying to set up the YouTube stream, but man alive, it was taking forever to set up... Google+ was like 15 seconds to put together. 

  • I'll be sure to watch!  I start my first youtube live streaming cast next monday.  Be on the lookout Trent!

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