APM:URUS system will be the first autoconfigurable and scalable BRAIN MODULE and a CAPE IO for ROBOTICS and AUTOMATED Systems, thinking on industrial aplications.
We highlighted that an owner with APM 2.x board will can work with lastest Ardupilot releases version.
This system have two parts that their will work together:
URUS system will make APM 2.x boards in a BRAIN MODULE for ROBOTICS and AUTOMATIZATION Systems, maybe industrial (Like a PLC), you will can attach an APM: AUTO_CAPE to enhance the capabilities.
APM:AUTO_CAPE based on URUS system. That make and convert APM 2.x boards as an UNIVERSAL CAPE for ANY platform Boards system and make compatibilty for lastest APM FIRMWARE VEHICLES RELEASES from master branch to work together.
Right now this project are being introduced in Ardupilot by developer Hiroshi Takey.
This development are being voted to be maintained in the Ardupilot master-AVR branch, VOTE FOR THIS if you are interested on the listed links:
You will can follow the development at the Ardupilot master-AVR branch at: