The New FPV APM Kopter
In the foreground, the bumblebee
in the background the Kamkop with the GoPro 3D system
The new FPV Kopter
made vor 10" Props
to use GoPro or a smal FPV camera
NTM Prop Drive Series 28-30A 750kv / 140w
Motors:NTM Prop Drive Series 28-30A 750kv / 140w
TURNIGY Plush 30amp Speed Controller
now I'm still working to find the correct PID parameters
for a stable and no wobbling flight i have to set the P parameter unter 1
than i have not enough sensitivity on my RC
maybe someone has experience with such a small Kopter with relatively large engines!
or someone could rewrite the code for me ?
Does anybody in the United States carry this?
NTM Prop Drive 28 Series Accessory Pack
IT looks like Turnigy has other motors that come with the mounts but you cant buy the accessory pack that has this three screw mount?
Do you have a link? Ive been searching for that three hole mount all morning ;(
Hi UAidiot,
on Hobby King HP
Peter where did you find those rotor end prop mounts for the NTM Prop Drive Series 28-30A?
Hi Chad,
a friend has made the bubble
I love the finished look of your copters, great job. Did you make the bubble for the tricopter yourself?
Thank you
Unfortunately it is not possible to load the code with Arduino!
which lines I have to change, so I can load the code without error?
I'm still play with the P-Rate and P parameters
Did you try to increase thi P-rate term?
If you increase that you can also increase a little the P-Stabilize to have more control.
On my Quad, 50 cm. with KEDA motors, to have a good stability I had to increase the P-rate to 0.15 and P-Stabilize to 3.2. With default 0.12 I had to lower the P to 2.8 and still having wobbles and descent instability.
But if you already tried that, to have more control on stcks you have to modify the code and compile it with Arduino. Of course at your own risk (even though that little bumble bee will not harm much :P ).
The code to change is in radio.pde
sets the maximum angle the copter will lean for Roll and Pitch respectively. If you increase this value the stick will be more sensible.because the range will be higher. In my set up I am using 6000 (that is 60°) as a value because I like a little more sensitive stcks...
Hope this helps.