The official timeline has been officially extended.
NPRM publication is now due on July 21, 2011
The FAA has been granted extension for rulemaking process.
"Popular Title: Small Unmanned Aircraft
RIN 2120-AJ60
NPRMPrevious Stage:
limited portions of the national airspace system (NAS). This action is necessary because it
addresses the novel legal or policy issues about the minimum safety parameters for operating
recreational remote control model and toy aircraft in the NAS. The intended effect of this
action is to develop requirements and standards to ensure that risks are adequately mitigated,
such that safety is maintained for the entire aviation community.......
To OMB 02/03/2011 04/05/2011
OMB Clearance 03/07/2011 07/05/2011
Publication Date 03/10/2011 07/21/2011
End of Comment Period 07/14/2011 08/22/2011
This rulemaking would enable small unmanned aircraft to safely operate inTo OST 01/24/2011 03/03/2011
Explanation for any delay:
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysisFederal Register
Citation for NPRM: None"
Need t mention that the proposed rules have to be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of Transportaion (OST) by March 3, 2011 for approval and/or comments from the Secretary.
This means that the rules need to be completed by March 2nd and if approved there will be no signidicant changes until the NPRM is published, the rest of the timeline is governmental approval (OBM) for budegets and economic impact etc. None of the content can change after OST approval until after the commnet period where it will be reviewed for possible modifications.