This board ($7) just does what it says: allows you to connect four I2C sensors to APM via the I2C port. You can daisy-chain them if you need even more ;-)
Looking at your photograph, the wire at the right edge of the connector is GND, followed by VCC (+5vdc), SDA, and SCL from right to left across the connector. I have my magnetometer hooked up according to this wire definition and it works just fine.
Thanks Chris. I've seen this photo of the ardupilotmega setup. Just hard to see which wires are going where. (I'll get the wiring for the connections if I download Eagle, and then download the ardupilotmega schematic). I would like to ensure that the MatrixPilot / UDB connection standard when using the same standard when we use the I2C splitter.
Yes, those are just the standard GPS plugs and cables. We use them because they're ubiquitous and everybody's got the cables already, and that's the I2C connector on APM. Here is our selection of compatible cables. These are the connectors.
Why 6 connections in each connector ? (The I2C magnetometer requires 4).
Is there a diagram for the pin out ? (I don't see it).
Does DIY Drones sell the corresponding plugs or cables for the connectors ?
Looking at your photograph, the wire at the right edge of the connector is GND, followed by VCC (+5vdc), SDA, and SCL from right to left across the connector. I have my magnetometer hooked up according to this wire definition and it works just fine.
Why 6 connections in each connector ? (The I2C magnetometer requires 4).
Is there a diagram for the pin out ? (I don't see it).
Does DIY Drones sell the corresponding plugs or cables for the connectors ?
Best wishes, Pete