Check it out: an all-in-one telemetry kit for ArduPilotMega, all set up and ready to go! No more fussing around with Xbee configuration. $165 for the total, which includes the custom configuration.
In this kit you will find everything you need to add telemetry features to your aircraft set up. The Xbee modules come paired up and ready to use! Included with this kit:- 1x XtreamBee Board (The one manufactured by DIYDrones!), including the two female connectors and right angle connectors.
- 1x XBee-PRO 900 extended range module w/ RPSMA connector and duck antenna
- 1x XBee-PRO 900 extended range module w/ wire antenna
- 1x Xbee Explorer Dongle (USB adapter for the Xbee module!)
It popped up just after i've ordered the xbees from SparkFun (and the XtreamBees separately, from DIYdrones store). Blargh. If only i've waited a bit, could've got it all in one go.
Check out for a similar package with 2.4Ghz XBees in the uk. I've been using them with APM2 with no issues.
Where are you getting this 100% markup from you can use spark fun or DIYdrones store to see the individual parts and they come in to over $165.
Are you using the XSC xbee to do your pricing? As they have a max baud of 9600 which the others have 115200.
@868MHz folks
The 10% duty cycle royally screws using them and unless you are going to rewrite to hex firmware you are stuck with it. Just get the 2.4GHz versions and get different controller. It is not nice to buy kit then find it's not useful but if unless you can get in the 900 modules secretly you are going to have to do that.
Nice kit chris. I hacked a FTDI cable on to a DIYdrones board to get the same effect :)
Ken: the antenna is this one, which we sell.It's optimized for 900.
"Operation frequency: 868MHz-928MHz. VSWR: 2. Gain: 3.1dBi. Height: Whip: 6.772" (169mm). Connector: RP-SMA. Type: Whip: Whip: 1/8 Whip: Swivel, Tilt (Right Angle).Operation frequency: 868MHz-928MHz. VSWR: 2. Gain: 3.1dBi."
@jack: Not much of an apparent markup, rather they chose more expensive xbee modules. You won't find the Xbee Pro 900 MHz 50 mW with an SMA connector for cheaper than DIYdrones (I assume via sparkfun) at $55. My quick search on google shopping showed the only competitors listing it for $63 and $70. I compare (on sparkfun) the ranges of the $23 (300 ft), $41 (1 mile) vs the 6 mile estimated max range and the choice is apparent.
My own question is why that antenna appears to be the 2.4 GHz one from sparkfun and not the 900 MHz rubber duck? It seems like the SWR would be awful.
2.4 GHz from sparkfun
900 MHz from sparkfun