So Tau Labs just released a new software and firmware package. This works on windows, linux and mac. From the list of features:
- Horizon mode
- Exponential control for rate mode. Enables extremely fast flips likethis.
- Improved battery processing
- HoTT telemetry and receiver support
- Safety fixes
- Setup wizard
- Modules configuration tab
- UI improvements
- Altitude hold refactoring and baro accuracy
- I2C code rework
- Unified bootloader code
- Gimbal and CANBus support
It also works with our Android GCS which recently got a UI overhaul. So if you have a Quanton or Sparky then you should check out this upgrade. Or if you are looking to revitalize your CC3D or Revo, check it out.
Thanks. We think so :) Our forums are although google groups isn't a great platform. Mostly we just hang out on IRC: #taulabs
Actually I've been thinking a bit recently - it would be really nice to have somewhere set up for a sort of generic "algorithm exchange". I was looking at your inertial nav code the other day and it was quite elegant. I actually have it coded up and get pretty nice results from it - although I've haven't decided yet if I prefer the INS Dale Schinstock wrote for us to it. Certainly your inertial code is much more intuitive to tune which is probably a huge win. I hope to get more testing time in this break.
At this point, it seems like most hardware will be shortly powerful enough to run most things and algorithms are really going to be the important thing.
Those flips are awesome.
I hear the Tao group is a good friendly bunch and I'd like to hear more from them.
Yeah it should run fine
Would my CC complain about this FW James?
Oh - one feature I forgot to list. Native output of MavLink so you can use a 3DR OSD without modifications
Heh. Man that file is so old I don't know what was the inspiration: . It looks a lot like Arial to me but I'm no graphics designer.
Steve is correct though. Actually it is ironic though since all of our targets are running on the arm architecture (Quanton, Freedom and Revo are F4, Sparky and FlyingF3 are F3, CC3D and PipX are F1)
I was just making fun because the 'ARM' button is literally an image of the ARM architecture logo, upscaled to fit the button.
I believe it means the motors are armed.
Does the 'ARM ✔' button indicate you are running on ARM architecture?