new to drones

hello new to drones and autonomous flight..i have a good general knowledge or rc,electrical systems and general electronic circitry....just try to get some input on how to incorperate all of it,what i will need for parts and tools,what i can expect to spend and just some good pics of all the other blogers projects(as long as its not top secret lol) thanks guys (and hopefully girls) for any info...
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  • thx Chris for super dooper fast help-response ;-)

    yeap , i read them . i know i have to go trial&error , but before i do something i like to learn a bit an have a seed to teawk ( that´s the EasyStart_v2 ) ....... ok , another question , why we need to use Setup utility ? can i do it manually in the autopilot code ? if not that means that the waypoints goes to another memory ,so... how they comunicate each other ?

    Do you have a suggestion/idea were I can put the airflow tube in this plane ?

    Thanks a lot for your support
  • 3D Robotics
    No need to load code for a failsafe--that's an ancient post, long outdated. It sounds like you have everything you need. Have you tried just following the manual's instructions?
  • Here another newby ( totally newby in UAV, but good RC pilot ;-) ) , trying to find info about the ArduPilot language (code) , steps to build , how to program and so so .......

    I already have :
    -Hobbico SuperStar plane w/ailerons (and the radio)
    -ArduPilot board
    -Shield expansion kit with airspeed sensor
    -GPS module EM406
    -XY and Z sensors
    -FTDI cable for programming

    I already read the ArduPilot Manual but I feel I´m missing something ....... I´m mean the whole thing .....

    example ..... i just read in some page that I need to upload or load the code for the failsafe system ...... ¿? ;-(

    Can some one give to me the steps of what I need to read ?

    I will appreciate it a lot


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