Congrats to Pablo Ruiz of Spain, who is our 5,000th member!
In the two years that this site has been running, it has grown to nearly 5,000 visitors a day and nearly 15,000 daily page views (see Google Analytics chart above). Over that time it has had a total of more than a million visitors and 4.2 million page views. Nearly 1,000 ArduPilots have been sold along with more than 100 UAV DevBoards. And it feels like we've only just got going!
Things are coming together at a fast rate, the benefit I guess of there always being somebody somewhere on the planet being awake and fiddling with the software or hardware.
That's an awful lot of visitors a day, must be one of the most popular Nings out there.
That's an awful lot of visitors a day, must be one of the most popular Nings out there.