Its no wonder AV have been making lots of noise in the press about UAS in the NAS soon.
Their man has just been put in charge of the ASTM F-38 committee.
The rules might well be changing and it would seem almost certain that military standards will form the backbone. Best dust off your STANAGs
Lets hope the AMA are truly getting ready to fight your corner, they were not at the ARC 2.0 table.
I know most people think this is dull but unless you act your voices will be ignored. As soon as the NPRM is finally announced getting your comments in will be important, read the comments on that last link.
I would welcome rules but I have the horrible feeling that after seeing Ted Wierzbanowski work on ARC 1.0 those rules will just favor AV and their quest to put a sUAS in evey cop car while keeping everybody else out of the game for as long as possible.
I am off to "create facts on the ground"...well in the air...while the sun in still shining..
I think be part of RCAPA, as its free and was present at ARC 1 and then get ready to send a letter of comment. Perhaps the biggest thing is to make sure the rules are not driven through with no input from what is probably the larger user base now.
The bright side is that this process is proving glacial and I think they will find themselves in a situation when they finish talking that too many people are flying anyway.
Rules are often a pain, but with many heavy eight bladed machines beginning to be deployed over crowds there needs to be something. You just have to think of it this way how would you feel if it was your wife, girlfriend or child that was struck by a multicopter going at full tilt.
As usual, the last link from Pat Egan lays it out clearly enough. I share your concern that folks are just burying their heads in the sand on this one; but short of rioting in the streets, what *should* we be doing to balance the situation?
= Mike