Here is a sample from an "info-graphic" that we are currently working on for the new Pixhawk flight controller.
Knowing how daunting it is to gather enough info on a new flight controller (to be able to get into the air) I want this graphic to give a clear overview of the main components in a typical "quadcopter" system, from the Battery Warning Indicator to Telemetry connections. The purpose is to clearly show how all the components work together and to illustrate and name all of the connectors and plugs necessary.
To that end, I would like to know what specific components you would like to see included in the info-graphic, so please share your ideas! Also please feel free to use any of the Graphic for your own purposes.
It would be nice to have different color overlays for the status LEDs
Also there is a spelling error on the Spektrum/DSM label "SOKT/DSM"