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  • Thes test that they are talking about took place more than 2-years ago - so this story is just re-hashed old news clips. Also - the FAA was very involved at the time and even had senior regional and federal administrators present when the tests were conducted. The ScanEagle also routine flies in the US under COAs and within restricted areas. Bottom line - no new news here.....
  • Moderator
    But with is it more than 200,000 flight hours I think the Scaneagle will be somewhat ahead of all the quads and wings that people are touting, big Scaneagle fan me!
  • Developer
    Woow, bet they get it or already have a verbal go....
  • Ouch -- that's going to be a black eye for the Houston PD and Insitu. Clearly there was some sort of screwup with the TFR, since ScanEagle is not certified for use in the NAS.
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