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  • Developer

    I spotted several dev team members in the 12 minutes of SparkFun AVC 2012 footage.

  • Mark, is there really DIYD footage in it?  That's awesome.  I didn't realize that.  I watched it about 6 months or so ago, before I got involved. 

  • Moderator

    highest rated comment so far: "The judge did not issue bail, because the accused was thought to have a flight risk."

  • Developer

    "Remote Control War" the future. Zoot Pictures 2011 52 mins

    Footage of our DIYDrones members and their comments during Sparkfun 2011 AVC

    I rented it at the library about a month ago, They make a case for a "SkyNet" type scenario now that low cost intelligent drones are becoming prolific and available. I was delighted that Chris was interviewed as at most DIY type events, I arrived just a bit late and did not appear, some other members had brief comments.

    DIYDrones members should see it, well worth your time if you can. 

  • :)

  • That's awesome!  I don't know what's funnier, the clip, or the fact that so many people on YouTube apparently don't understand what The Onion is.

    On a more serious note: CBC had an excellent documentary on this topic titled "Remote Control War".  Very interesting stuff.

  • lol

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