The ground station electronics box houses the telemetry hardware that keeps Andromeda connected to the base. The ground station controller keeps communication flowing even if the ground station computer is disconnected while the routerboard will relay digital video via ethernet.
Currently we haven't got any antenna connectors but they'll be coming soon. The usb and ethernet connectors above are for telemetry and video respectively. The other two connectors are for the catapult and dynamixel actuators. The catapult connector allows the GSC to launch the aircraft and measure launch speed. The dynamixel connector facilitates the movement of the antennae. Next update will hopefully be some AHRS progress and equations,etc.
Full article at
But for layman like me the leopard board looks like poor man's Makito with many of the functions but not may be not same bandwidth and processing power... I haven't read the documents of either full yet but a quick glance gave me some feeling like it.
In any case I am looking for advice on small device/board that can sit between cam and analog TX on one side and between RX and screen on the ground side or some thing similar. worst scenario I will have to tune Tx and RX out of band/standard freq but that won't be optimal solution, even a single stage plug in inversion scrambler would be gr8 if available for video( I know it is available for audio Txing), any advice or leads?
This is what I really want to get, but waay too expensive: