Posted by James Goppert on November 17, 2010 at 9:55pm
ArduPilotMega integration with QGroundControl is finally finished. All of the basic functionality is there although there are some finishing touches that need to be done. I added the ability to set local/global waypoints and also actions (takeoff/land/etc.) to easily integrate with the existing APM autopilot software. A 3d osgearth view inspired from dronegcs is in the works and we hope to have it together soon.
I asked about your GCS being able to run on a netbook (ACER 10"). I have a Ubuntu Partition that I run Paparazzi on. The Windows 7 Partition is doing funny things with all Ardupilot , ArduPilotMega GCS's. HappyKilmore's works some what but the current adition is rapping lines around on the screen. I'm still working on trying to work around these problems. However, I am begining to think it is the oddball screen resolution. I just found your ...exe 0.7.6 file. don't know how I missed it but... Iam going to give it a try this weekend.
Most of the work was actually done on the apm code. 0.7.6 should still work without some features until 0.7.7 is released. If you want the latest code now you will have to check out qgroundcontrol dev branch and build from source.
Joseph Schauber
I asked about your GCS being able to run on a netbook (ACER 10"). I have a Ubuntu Partition that I run Paparazzi on. The Windows 7 Partition is doing funny things with all Ardupilot , ArduPilotMega GCS's. HappyKilmore's works some what but the current adition is rapping lines around on the screen. I'm still working on trying to work around these problems. However, I am begining to think it is the oddball screen resolution. I just found your ...exe 0.7.6 file. don't know how I missed it but... Iam going to give it a try this weekend.
Thanks for your work,
Joseph Schauber
Joseph Schauber