

Here a video of a test flight of my Quad Rotor Observer (QRO) v8 with the FCWii board and the Wii Motion Plus (gyroscopes) + Nunchuk (accelerometers) MEMS sensors.

There was a strong wind during the tests flights (30 Km/h NW, gusting 40 Km/h, rainy...)
The tests flights have been successful, the model was very stable in spite of the bad weather conditions.
Normal flight mode and Auto-Level mode have been tested in the video.

Flight controller hardware:
- FCWii board v1.0 (ATmega 328P, Arduino PRO MINI 5V/16 Mhz compatible) from Fpv4ever
- Wii Motion Plus (genuine Nitendo version)
- Nunchuk (genuine Nitendo version)

Flight controller firmware:
- MultiWii V1_pre7 (compiled with the Arduino IDE) by Alexandre Dubus (Alexinparis)
firmware is uploaded via a FTDI 5V cable.

Quadcopter setup:
- 4 brushless motors DualSky XM2822CA 1450KV 7A
- 4 ESC 12A XC1210-BA
- Lipo battery 3S (11.1V) Turnigy Nanotech 2200 mAh
- receiver Corona CR6D 2.4 Ghz
- home made aluminum frame

The video has been taken with a GoPro HD Wide and a camera head strap.

Below the GUI for the setup and the tuning:


3689391513?profile=originalMore infos at:

Regards, Jean-Louis

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  • Developer


    Here a video flight demo of the Auto-Level mode and ALTITUDE Hold done with my Quad Rotor Observer (QRO v8) with the FCWii board and the Wii Motion Plus (gyroscopes) + Nunchuk (accelerometers) MEMS sensors + BMP085 digital pressure sensor.


    Flight controller hardware:
    - FCWii board v1.0 (ATmega 328P, Arduino PRO MINI 5V/16 Mhz compatible) from Fpv4ever
    - Wii Motion Plus (genuine Nitendo version)
    - Nunchuk (genuine Nitendo version)
    - BMP085 Bosch digital pressure sensor


    Flight controller firmware:
    - MultiWii v1.7jln modified version by Jean-Louis Naudin based on the MultiWii V1_pre7 by Alexandre Dubus


    Quadcopter setup:
    - 4 brushless motors DualSky XM2822CA 1450KV 7A
    - 4 ESC 12A XC1210-BA
    - Lipo battery 3S (11.1V) Turnigy Nanotech 2200 mAh
    - receiver Corona CR6D 2.4 Ghz
    - home made aluminum frame


    The video has been taken with a GoPro HD Wide and a camera head strap

    Regards, Jean-Louis

  • Developer

    Bonjour Alejandro,

    Oui, si c'est un quad, il n'y a pas besoin de servo, mais par contre il faut 2 hélices CCW et 2 hélices CW.

    Yes, for a quad, you dont' need a servo, but you need to use 2 propellers CCW and 2 propellers CW.

    Vous avez un forum dédié à la FWCii en français HERE

    Regards, Jean-Louis


  • Bonjour félicitation pour ton projet sa marche du tonnerre.

    Donc je voudrais construire un quadcopter pour filmer avec une gopro.

    J'ai déja un wiimotion plus et un nunchuck et ej voulais acheter tous l'equipement RC donc avant de payer je voudrais savoir si je n'ai pas fait d'erreur monumental dans ma sélection.

    1 (manette et recepteur)  Hobby King 2.4Ghz 4Ch Tx & Rx V2 (Mode 1)

    4 (moteur) TURNIGY 2204-14T 19g Outrunner

    4 (Contrôleur) Hobbyking SS Series 8-10A ESC

    1 (LED pour la nuit) Turnigy High Density R/C LED Flexible Strip-Red (1mtr)

    (pack d'hélice) GWS EP Propeller (DD-7035 178x89mm) (6pcs/set)

    1 (batterie)Turnigy nano-tech 2200mah 3S 25~50C Lipo Pack

    1 (chargeur de batterie) Turnigy 2-3 Cell Lipoly Balance/Charger


    Puis la carte FCWii board


    Si je comprend bien vue que c'ets un quad j ai pas besoin de servo.


    Voila je suis preneur de toutes critiques et info.

  • Developer

    Below a new video flight with less wind and more sun light ;-)

    You will see that the piloting with the auto LEVEL mode activated can be very easy for newbies...

    Regards, Jean-Louis

  • Developer

    Thanks Rana for your comments.

    Hello Tim, yes all the software (firmware and configurator) is open source under GNU licence.

    MultiWiiCopter by Alexandre Dubus
    February 2011 V1.pre7
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    any later version. see <>;

    You will find all the versions HERE

    Regards, Jean-Louis

    modélisme radio commandé
    Le monde des modèles radio commandés
  • Is the configuration software open source? or available?
  • Developer

    Hello Still,


    If you have already a Arduino board such as the Arduino Pro Mini or Duemillanove with an Atmega 328, you don't need to get a FCWii (which is the same...).

    You need only to use the MultiWii firmware developped by Alexandre Nubus (Alexinparis), the firmware (GNU opensource) can be downloaded at:

    Then you need only to use the Wii Motion Plus and the Nunchuk sensors to get a full and really cheap 6DOF IMU...

    Of course you may add also some I2C devices such as a magnetometer (HMC5843), a barometer BMP045 and a GPS... This is a really fun setup.

    Below a diagram which may help you:


    Regards, Jean-Louis


  • Hello Jean-Louis,


    Do you think that the arduino Pro mini is (or will be) compatible with the magnetometer, Barometer & GPS ? Or should i switch my board to FCWii?

    I saw that Kinderkram have tested this combinaison :

    - Paul's FlyduinoMega Flightcontroller (proto version 1.01)
    - Jussi's FreeFlight 9DOF+ baro Sensor Board (proto version 1.1)



  • Developer

    Hello Rana,

    Thanks for your comment. Yes the video has been recorded in full HD with a GoPro HD wide camera mounted on my head with a "Head Strap Mount" this is very usefull for recording yourself the video when you are alone...

    More info about my GoPro camera HERE.

    Yes, it is planned to soon use a GPS for position hold.

    The FCWii board is a full Arduino compatible board with an Atmega 328P. The firmware that I am currently test is able to handle through the I2C:

    - a HMC5843 triple axis magnetometer for heading hold,

    - a Bosch BMP085 I2C pressure sensor for altitude lock,

    - a GPS for position lock.

    Stay tuned, this is only the beginning of the tests. The firmware is developped by Alexandre Dubus (alexinparis) and his french MultiWii team. The board is developped by the FCWii french (Fpv4ever) team.

    I shall soon had flight planning for full autonomous flights...

    Regard, Jean-Louis

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