Quadcopter Workshop


Over the last 4 weeks in Canberra (Australia) I've been a running a build-and-fly-your-own-quadcopter workshop, based on the APM.

We had a dozen excited people attend the workshop and all were successfully able to build their quadcopters. The flying lessons were mostly successful - we only had a 25% crash rate (mostly broken arms, easily replaced).

Full documentation for the workshop is available at https://canberrauav.readthedocs.org/en/latest/lessons/quadcopter-workshop.html if others in the community want to run their own workshops, which I definitely encourage!

It's a great way to promote civilian usage and education of multicopters/drones. I've also found these workshops to be massively popular. I only had 12 spots available in this workshop, all of which filled up within 48 hours. I think this demonstrates the massive interest in multicopters.

Finally, a time lapse video of one of the workshop sessions:

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  • Nice job, you have put a lot of work into it.......

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