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  • Developer

    @Sergei just measured one of our test units here with custom motors and here are some results

    4S 4000mAh, Weight 1397gr, 8.5Amp, 135W

    3S 3500mAh, Weight 1255gr, 8.9Amp, 114W

    jD-Simplex Quad (similar to 3DR quads)

    3S 3500mAh, Weight 1363gr, 15.4Amp, 180W

    jD-ArduCopter (Original)

    3S 3500mAh, Weight 1166gr, 12.5Amp, 150W

    None of these has any optimization done. They all default configurations with default settings and so on.

    jD-Simplex Quad Multicopter kit, With Flight Controller
    R/C UAV and ArduCopter manufacturer and one stop shop. We make your FPV come true.
  • This is a test video that anybody do, use a 20amp power and 275 watts,

  • A good show, I can improve it, with my octaquad 8x and a 20amp power supply with a cable to 5 meters high, in my house I left four hours to test the APM 2.5. I will make a video of three hours this weekend. so you can see what I mean.

  • Developer

    @Sergei, yep watts will be better. Let me take some hover readings tomorrow and then we can see how it works.

  • @Jani: we should probably be specifying watts, vs amps. Our modified AscTec-Hummingbird 500g quadrocopters use around 80 watts (we use flexible ARDrone props that are definitely not the best from an efficiency perspective). So I guess your 1.5kg quad uses around 130 watts? Would be very interested in the weight vs hover power figures for other multirotors..

  • Особенно порадовал в конце лог на русском)

  • Developer

    I have one quad in here that we use 15" CF props and our big motors. With 4S 5000mA battery we get around 30 mins of flight time. Hover current is around 9Amp with 1.5kg quad. Yeah would be great to know what props and motors were used on this video. Even if you drop batteries having +2hrs is hard.

  • Skeptical.  Until he releases enough info for someone else to test or verify, its just another spoof video.  Even if it turns out to be real, I have doubts that it is anything readily available for the mass consumer.  

  • On a previous record flight vid of his someone had noted that he was using military grade single use batteries to attain this.


    Still, if he's unwilling to tell us what motors, props, and etc he used to do this... Then I am unwilling to give any applause...

  • On his forum he explained long run as to having two slightly different batteries like 1st 10000Mah and 2nd 2200Mah

    First it drains larger battery, then drop it and use smaller one

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