I've done the basics, getting the various IDE's running and proving the concept of outputting APM sensor readings as ROS topics.
What I'm seeking now is input from the community as to what we want this integration to provide. Any suggestions and/or requests would be most welcome!
Once I do get going, I'll post the link to the code.
Well, I've hit a snag - maybe one of you folks can help with a suggestion. I have my Mega 2560 board, and just received my "ArduPilotMega IMU Shield/OilPan Rev-H" - and the pins don't come close to matching. Board sizes are different as well, so I don't see how these two can mate, even though the DIY store links them.
Any suggestions? Is the store simply linking together the wrong two things?
I'm pretty busy at the moment so I am not sure how much code I can contribute. Also, I don't currently have an APM and I don't know what state the MAVLink interface is at. The APM MAVLink interface should be able to use most of the same messages to communicate with both qgroundcontrol and with ROS.
Here is a rough outline of what I think the ROS/APM interface should provide
APM <-- MAVLink (over serial or XBee) --> ROS
Waypoints vs Active Control
There should be support for ROS to send waypoints to the APM and for some applications there needs to be support to allow ROS to set the commanded roll, pitch, yaw and throttle. It may also be worth supporting direct access to the control surfaces.
Control Modes
OFF - Motors should be powered off and control surfaces in their default positions
RADIO - The aircraft is being flown by a human operator on the ground
WAYPOINT - The APM is in control and flying based on waypoints
COMMAND - ROS sends the commanded roll, pitch, yaw and throttle to the APM
DIRECT - ROS Sends the aileron, elevator, rudder and throttle positions [-1, 1]
ROS Topics
This should enumerate the current control mode
Raw IMU data from the APM
Filtered IMU data
http://www.ros.org/doc/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/TwistWithCovarian... (maybe)/apm/control/state
The current state of the control surfaces
Radio Control inputs, useful for testing and co-operative tasks
/apm/statusStatus (Battery, Motor Current, etc)
http://www.ros.org/doc/api/power_msgs/html/msg/PowerReading.html (may be useful)
ROS Services
Set APM control mode
Get APM control mode
Sets a waypoint via MAVLink
Returns a list of waypoints
Here are some ideas and usage cases to consider for ROS/APM integration
ROS + APM + Kinect = Autonomous Landing system
For this you to want to use the Kinect with PCL to locate the ground plane of the runway/landing pad, and perhaps use computer vision to extract lines on the runway. A state machine in ROS should determine when landing is complete and power down the motors.
Radio control takeoff -> fly waypoints -> automatic landing -> shutdown
Aerial Mapping
In this case you want to have the IMU and GPS information synched with image data and sent to OpenCV for processing. Using ROS here can help not only improve the inverse perspective mapping for image stitching, but the image data can also help improve the GPS position estimate and help determine the current windspeed.
APM Swarm
Here each APM will communicate over a XBee link with a ground station running ROS. A seperate ROS node will control the flight formation and send commands back to each aircraft via MAVLink. The great thing about this is that the code could be reused to control an underwater swarm as easily as a flying swarm.
Most of this code should be fairly portable to any autopilot that supports MAVLink. I am sure I have forgotten something but hopefully this can help as a starting point.
Ralph: I can't speak to the ubuntu board - sounds like Garry is familiar with options.
I'm still puzzled why there isn't a uSD card socket on the system. A Class 10, 8GByte card would resolve most size issues and consume very little power. It's simple to write a driver that would allow people to "swap" functions into the main cache for speed. Is there some reason this isn't available - or did I miss the option somewhere?
My only real concern has been to find the right integration point. Putting ROS interface code at the individual sensor level seemed icky. I'm not familiar enough with AMP to know, but I gather people generally agree that this MAVLink interface is the best place. I can certainly look at it to assess any issues.
Or I can turn this topic over to you, if you want to do it. No issues with me...I'm still digging thru code to learn what's where.
First, I wouldn't bother with Player since most if not all of the functionality has been replaced by ROS.
Second, I would suggest working on improving the MAVLink interface to connect the data to ROS. This provides a common interface for the various autopilots to connect to ROS and makes the code more reusable between flight hardware.
Here are some useful links for ROS+APM Ideas
Parts of ROS run native on windows (with some work)
ROSJava / Android Integration
Documentation for running ROS on an AscTec Pelican Quadrotor
In this video the quadrotor is doing 2D SLAM to build a 3D map
Here are some 3D robotics demos for ROS
Keep in mind that most of these 3D systems have significant CPU requirements to achieve real-time performance.
The GPS and outdoor navigation infrastructure in ROS is a work in progress, I am certain that contributions are appreciated.
The path planning and navigation systems for ROS are mostly designed for 2D robots.
The Gazebo simulator for ROS works well for 2D robots but it does not model aerodynamics in a useful way.
Overall, I would focus on improving the MAVLink interface to allow for ROS to better communicate with the APM. Specifically I would create a ROS service to view or set waypoints by sending through MAVLink. The avionics sensor data should also go through MAVLink to the computer onboard or at the ground station before being broadcast as a topic to other ROS nodes.
Chris Anderson posted about ROS-MAVLink-ArduPilot Mega integration and linked to the ROS package back in March, so people might want to take a look at that:
Ralph Castain, I am also interested in publishing new waypoints to an APM using ROS. I guess my full wish list for ROS integration would be a) read/write APM waypoints using ROS b) have APM publish current state, including next waypoint c) send data from another GPS to the APM through ROS and d) send heading+alt+airspeed from another source into the APM through ROS. I'm guessing (a) and (b) can already be handled through ROS<->MAVLink package?