3D Robotics

Size comparison: ArduPilot Mega vs ArduPilot

Many of you have asked for a side-by-side comparison of ArduPilot Mega and basic ArduPilot, so here it is. Note that with Mega, we moved the servo and GPS connectors to horizontal rather than vertical placement, to make them more robust in the case of a crash. As you can see, the main processor in ArduPilot, an Atmega328, is just handling RC input and the failsafe function on Mega, while the main CPU has been upgraded to an Atmega1280, with more than twice as many I/O pins. In a sense, every chip has been upgraded to their big brother on Mega to handle more channels, sensors and communications paths. Basic ArduPilot, especially with the Turn-Rate Limiter Shield, will continue to be sold and will be the best plug-and-play solution for newcomers, while Mega will offer more capability for more advanced users.
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  • I did some measuring in GIMP and I see the board would be approximately: 68x39 in mm. Is that accurate?
  • Big is good. Makes people pay attention. Good move Jordi.
  • Developer
    Earl you got the diode. I know the diode is huge but is the only one i had on stock. ;-)
  • Looks like its there in upper right of picture. Black,round with white band.
  • Admin
    Earl, I had requested Jordi for it( idiot proof power input) if possible in mockup thread , But I think there is no space for it
  • Protection diode for reverse polarity ?
  • Admin
    Mega looks twice the area of ardu pilot. Moving the servo and GPS to horizontal placement is good Idea Chris.
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