
We’re excited to announce that our subscription based CADDrones.com community is now FREE for anyone to join. All members now have full access to every page and feature free of charge. Now that we are no longer subscription based we will not have the available resources to hire contractors for the needed positions. Our goal is to make CAD, 3D Printing, and Drones come together and build an amazing community and tool that is useful for people of all skill levels at the same time. We’re currently in the process of applying for an Open Source License with the “Open Source Initiative” at OpenSource.org! We need help from anyone who has been through this process or is willing to volunteer efforts into helping us draft a perfect Open Source License for our community.We’re hoping that as our FREE community grows our members will find interest in volunteering for one of the open positions below.

View our “old” announcement about CAD Drones going subscription based at: http://www.suasnews.com/2015/07/37535/caddrones-com-relaunched-as-subscription-based-open-source-cad-and-3d-printing-drone-community/

We’re looking at adding volunteers to fill all these positions by April of 2016:

Wiki Admin – Community Admin – Chat Rooms Moderator – Buy, Sell, & Trade Admin – Events Admin – 10x Expert CAD/3D Printing/Drone Specialists – 5x Wiki Hub Developers – 5x Community Moderators – 3x Web Developers – 7x Software Programmers

If you have any questions, suggestions, want to volunteer, or your company is interested in becoming a sponsor of the CAD Drones community reach out to us by visiting the “Contact Us” page on CADDrones.com and filling out our form.

Or contact:

Joshua Allen Johnson 

Founder & CEO | CAD Drones LLC | Website: www.CADDrones.com

Phone: 612-559-9640 | Email: JoshuaAllenJohnson@gmail.com| LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caddrones

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