TBS Discovery Build + Android droidplanner

Yesterday i got my Team Black Sheep (TBM) Discovery top and bottom plate. Today i started working on te "rebuild".
As for the TBM there are no cleare APM 2.0 mounting hole's so i had to make some. But first the result!


I wanted a clean look, and good reception for the GPS so my APM 2.0 is mounted on top. Here are some picture's of houw i did this.

upside down, the long srews fit in 4 of the 6 hole's at the "center" of the top TBS board.
The APM fit's perfectly on the 4 screw's exactly the same as i had before.
Next, mounting the FPV transmitter.
This is the bottom of the top plate, using the same screws as the one's used for mounting the top.
a bit of velcro and a twrap to sucure the reciever, also on the bottom of the top plate. All together give's a verry clean look. 
Nextup the android planner got the cheapes android 4.0 tablet i found DX.com got it to work whit the Droidplanner
Here is some "proof" that it works whit the A13 tablet. Not at al a fancy video but youll see it in action.
Now i need a way to mount the tablet so i designed this.
as you can see it works, not perfect but for a prototype just fine!
Lastup some remaidening the first flight after the rebuild.
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  • @ Stefan Gofferje: youre probebly right, it will alway's be in close proximety since it's a small quad. I do get a quick GPS fix. The vTx is actualy on the bottom of the APM not that it will make a differente.


    Motors: 910KV Turnigy

    Props: 10 x 4.5

    Battery: 5000 3cell


    @R.D. Starwalt: yes plywood and MDF, and yes got my own small laser cutter :-) here's a link to my drawings for the mounts LINK

    TBS Discovery Mounts.pdf
  • You use plywood too! A+

    It is my favorite prototyping material. Laser cutter??

    Thank you for your blog post.


  • Looks pretty nice. But... is it wise to mount the vTx right on top of the APM and so close the the GPS. I imagine, it produces quite a bit of RFI.

    Would you share your config specifics (motors, props, battery) and your PIDs?

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