Hey everyone!
I am really getting a handle on openFoam. I have figured out the scale and mesh resolution problems I have been having. I can now produce highly detailed data sets of the air flowing over the current techwing design.
this is the airflow over the wing tip. Needs improvement.
here is another look from the side the surface is colored with the local pressure numbers. red is highest blue is lowest
This is a view showing the negative pressure contours, represented by colored points.
This shows the positive pressure contours.
Now I can make some minor changes to the geometry and see exactly how it will effect performance and flyabilty. Check hobbyuav.com for the latest techwing news.
Rick, a flying wing offers benefits like reduced wetted area and trim drag and is more structurally efficient, but this aside, it has the same constraints as a conventional layout. Where it suffers is the size of its lift envelope, which can easily destroy any advantage it begins with. The CL_max is pretty much done at 0.7-ish, because increased reflex to give you the required pitching moment reduces the CL. For a conventional layout can see CL_max as high as 1.2 or even beyond. If landing speed is a key design criteria, then the wing area required for a flying wing is 1.2/0.7-times as great, and since wing area is drag, this has a large impact on cruise and high-speed capability.
the wingtip vortices looks heavy in the first photo. Will you try to reduces this? Is your techwing designed to be aerodynamic high performance. I have offen wondered how efficient a wing is compered to something like the techpod witch sets the standard pretty high.
You can descretize the mesh and run it multi threaded too. It takes a little more set up.
BTW, how long does a solution take, how many elements and what sort of machinery are you using?
Nice work Wayne! I need to stand on your shoulders for a minute and take a look into the future! :)
Waiting for your instructions eagerly.
great work.Is the "techwing" skywalker X8?
Really nice Wayne,
Maybe you could post some tips on using openFoam or put something on your site.
Best Regards,