Recently we did an endurance test on our AirMast drone. We thought you guys might be interested in seeing the video of it.
In the test the drone was made to hover in the air for 8 hours straight. It was powered from the ground through a lightweight cable. The system features an intelligent winch for the cable, allowing the drone to reach an altitude of up to 100 meters.
Here's the video:
Safe flights,
UgCS Team
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Hi, AirMast price heavily depends on configuration. You can send request to ugcs@ugcs.com and we will prepare quote for you.
Cool System!
How much will you be charging for that?
can it be used with Multirotors other than the DJI S900/1000?
Is will be sold in latvia, right?
We did this test to test stability of new (for us) autopilot - Drotek Dropix. We were glad to know that Dropix with ArduCopter firmware are stable enough for such long flights..