I know this is not strictly a UAV but because this is centre of the universe for things Arduino flight related and there have been some very cool posts about Quads lately (it is also one of my passions), I thought I would post about an Open Source Arduino based Quad platform in case people are not aware of it.
I have heard of the project in the past but never really spent any decent time looking at it until today, it certainly looks very good and appears to fly very well. The website is http://aeroquad.info and it uses either the Arduino Duemilanove w/ Atmega 328 or the Arduino Mega.
One of the other reasons for posting this is I wonder how easy it would be to get the code to run on the upcoming ArduPilot Mega and utilising the ArduIMU?
The parts list, source code and loads of good information are on the site. Looks to be a very well run project.
UPDATE: Sorry, this has been posted before, however, I am very interested in the question of running this code on the upcoming ArduPilot Mega and using the ArduIMU as sensor inputs.
It lists all the Arduino based Quads (they are breeding) that are around. I had no idea there were this many, they have a very nice community as well.