
The new forums need YOU!


By now everybody must be aware of the excellent new wiki's that the team has been putting hours of work into and really doing a fine job of it. You might have also seen the Community drop down menu at the top of the page at under that you will see a links to here and APM Forum, this is where our forums will migrate to over time. 

Stefan has done an excellent job of improving the functionality of the forums, making it less spammy in the process.

Its attracting questions from wiki users now and as such we need some more of the experts that hang out here to be on hand to help new users there.

The platform that this website uses is about to undergo a major change and this will give us an opportunity to make this site a little more curated with the best of peoples builds and ideas getting more attention. 

So come on over to the new forums and lend a hand. 


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  • Just for tech info, support, etc.  Anything Ardu/APM related tech wise should be documented on the website forums.

  • You prepare the abandonment of the plateform Ning?

  • Thanks for sharing this!!!  I hope most of the community members see this blog and help with the migration of tech. info/questions over to the new website

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