Thrust Vectoring Motor Mounts +/-

Hey All

My name is Scotty

I am a huge fan of DIY Drones and it is my go to source for new ideas and keeping current with what is available. I wanted to run and idea passed you all and see what kind of feedback I might receive.3689547777?profile=original The world of multi rotors is not new to me and I have built many of them, however the idea of multi rotor thrust vectoring has always interested me. I have designed this three position thrust vectoring motor mount and want know your input. This project is still very much in the design phase and I again am not sure if there would be any benefit at all as I have not done any testing of this idea... Thank you very much for looking, any and all comments are welcome.




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  • My thought initially would be to give you potential variable flight characteristics. For example would having the motors angled towards the center diverting the air out from center make a more stable platform in higher winds? or would having the motors angled out from the center diverting air towards the center make the platform more maneuverable? Mostly this idea is conceptual and there may be no benefit having this style of motor mount mostly I want to find out if this has been done already and if so what were the results? I designed this also with the ability to have them in fixed position via a cotter pin or to add servo control to each to give the pilot the ability to change thrust vector in flight. I also added rubber washers in the joint to help with vibration dampening.  

  • Admin

    Good work. But why do u need Thrust vectoring for a quad ?!

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