The Line builder can import a list of GPS coordinates from a text file with the format:
lat lon
lat lon
I plan on adding a 3rd dimension, but i don't yet have a barometric pressure sensor.
This is zoomed in to show the Open Street map layer.
The line appears shifted from the road, but it is really aligned. The line right now is at an elevation of 2500 km, so the shifting is due to the perspective distortion. Any lower, the line disappears into the ground (the globe has elevation data). I need to figure out how to have the line at ground level.
Sounds very cool. Take your time, make it right. Look forward to further progress.
Progress is on hold while I work on my flight controller, I am going to rewrite the code for the GCS to clean it up (I will probably rewrite again after that one more time). Sorry for the lack of progress, I have been really busy with high priority stuff!
As for names, Nothing wrong with Tremors unless its an acronym... :)
How does the HUD work since none is on the plane to see it?... ;)