Two hour and 12 minutes flight by PEM fuel cell


This is really great accomplishment:-)

Montreal, Canada: EnergyOr Technologies Inc., a leading developer of advanced PEM fuel cell systems, recently demonstrated what are believed to be the world’s first fuel cell powered and longest ever duration multirotor VTOL UAV flights, flying for a record 2 hours, 12 minutes and 46 seconds.

I am not sure the actual battery on this quad.


Rated Net Output Power:                       310 W
Max. Continuous Net Output Power:       370 W
Peak Net Output Power (Take-off):        1000 W
DC Output Voltage Range:                  32 - 45V
System Efficiency @ 310 W:                     54%
Design Lifetime:                                   1000 Hours
Net Energy Available @ 310 W:             1790 Wh

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  • Sergey's record with an octocopter using paparazzi:

  • Very impressive. Its interesting to note that at two hours and 12 minutes, they are only three minutes longer than Ferdinand's flight with GEB  lipos, standing at two hours 9 minutes:

    Can't compare accurately given they state that a "conventional, commercial" airframe was used (vs Ferdinand ultra light design") though ...

  • A conventional, commercial heavy lifting Quadrotor airframe was used to ensure versatility for a wide range of applications, with the aircraft’s AUW at 9.5 kg ... 

  • @Dave, They already have:
    It sounds like they've been doing this sort of thing for awhile...

    Join us on EnergyOR, a Plug Power company
    Join us on EnergyOR, a Plug Power company
  • What's the weight on the system specced above?  And how do you fuel these things, hydrogen?  Where do you get that?

  • Nice! Where can I get a fuel cell? I 100W one would suffice for a fixed wing.

    How much do they cost?

  • is there a video?

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