From UASA's website: Clearskies, Inc. is a member of UASA.
Unmanned Aerial Systems Association of the Philippines, Inc. (UASA) recently saw a copy of the amended MC21-14 of Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) from an online source (Google drive of "Tjader Regis" and who is currently not affiliated with UASA). It basically confirmed the changes made by CAAP together with some of our own suggestions last Sept. 14, 2014. We do believe that the new UAV/UAS/RPAS rules satisfies Safety to the General Public, safe airspace integration and at the same time encourages the growth of the UAV Industry. At that time, UASA was not able to obtain a copy of the amended UAV laws because it was not yet signed. In summary, the new UAV Controller Certificate (Pilot) requires the following:
- Airmen Radio License
- Passed Theories of Flight
- Has completed a training course conducted by the UAV Manufacturer - UASA communicated this with CAAP last Sept. 14, 2014 and expressed that it is hard to obtain this from most (if not all) of the Small UAV Manufacturers.
- Have at least 5 hours experience
- Passed Philippine Civil Aviation Regulations
Also, the new UAV Operator Certificate (Company) for Large UAV requires the following:
- Operations Manual or Flight Manual
- Command Clearance from the Military (J2 AFP)
- UAV Insurance
- Special Certificated of Airworthiness and
- Certificate of Registration
Although the insurance is only required for Large UAV Operators, UASA has worked with various insurance companies in the Philippines and was able to get policies drafted exclusively for UASA's official members (Small UAV Operators). Also, UASA has drafted a template of Operations Manual for it's members while waiting for the release of the updated UAV rules. UASA and its members fully supports and will continue to work with CAAP towards the safe integration of UAV's to Philippine skies.